Monday, October 10, 2022

Locking Up by Susan Isla Tepper

You count the times you felt happy. 
Once after a rain
while walking
the tree-lined path 
through Rittenhouse Square.
Undeniably happy.  Though you 
couldn’t pin-point the cause.  
Another time 
in that same city, the first day 
of your new job
when you were last to go home.
Almost kneeling on the pavement 
to lock that round brass cylinder
on the bottom of the glass door.
A potted geranium
bought at lunch hour
resting in the crook of 
one arm.  Briefcase
on the ground.
Locking up.

Susan Isla Tepper is a twenty years published writer in all genres.  Her current project is an Off-Broadway Play on the subject of art and life.

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