Friday, January 27, 2023

Turned Down Service by Matt Amott

He noticed her
in the lobby
while checking in
to the hotel,
long red hair
and bright blues eyes.

He was a bit cocky
thinking he might be able
to get her into his room
but she turned him down
and added that
she was maid staff,
so the only time
she would ruffle his sheets
is after he checked out.

Matt Amott is a poet, musician and photographer who rambles around the Pacific Northwest. He is co-founder and co-editor of Six Ft. Swells Press and has been published in numerous collections as well as three books of his own, THE COAST IS CLEAR (Six Ft. Swells Press), GET WELL SOON and THE MEMORY OF HER (both by Epic Rites Press).  He can be reached at and purchases can be made at Amazon and

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