Thursday, March 9, 2023

After the storm By Mike Zone

(for Tyra)

You’re a dream

ever since that weekend

a golden dawn illuminates the frozen earth

reality but a distractive vision

returning home

with you

so far away

yet near

two places

at once

we don’t hunger

only desire

amid star-crossed mindfields

flashback revivals and scar tissue triggers abound

should we wake

let us be settled in our own familiar place

further entwined

breath for breath

I remember our first night

how the room smelled of

vodka and cheese

never had I wanted to die and not die

at a most opportune time

to be preserved


while you

soundly slept


killing that important news story

in which none of the world mattered

but the room

a rising sun

waffles , eggs

corned beef hash

haunted by the approaching remains of the day


Mike Zone is the Editor in Chief of Dumpster Fire Press, the author of Fuck You: A Fucking Poetry Chap, Shedding Dark Places (almost), One Hell of a Muse , as well as coauthor of The Grind. A frequent contributor to Alien Buddha Press and Mad Swirl. His work has been featured in: Horror Sleaze Trash, Better Than Starbucks, Piker Press, Punk Noir Magazine, Synchronized Chaos, Outlaw Poetry and Cult Culture magazine.

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