Thursday, July 27, 2023

Club Le Pep by Stephen House

Club Le Pep is at is darkest 
its maddest
the meanest 

as one would expect it to be 
just before dawn
when the worry 
of those that seek 
is at its most agonizing 

eyes scan the room
i throw back a drink  
close off my mind 
and dance 

here in a club in Paris 
i dance 

with stranger’s eyes 
and solitary souls
a ghoul in a corner 
and a crying friend 

are you a friend
that friend of the friend from just before 
didn’t i meet you here another time 
another life 
don’t laugh at me
are you just another part 
of some funny game we play 

i dance with him and her 
and they and them 

i dance with nothing 
and all for more 
in Club Le Pep 
i dance for dance 

even when no one else does
i dance 

and i have spent 
a thousand lost nights 
in the Le Peps of cities 
in the universe 
of the lonely lost
like we are here
locked together 
by fear and hope 

the friend stops crying
and saunters 
on his floodlit stage 
to a pack of others
not unlike himself 

and i decide 
to stay at the bar
not descend 
into that place below 
of tarnished joy 
where he and the rest
will soon go

there is no time in Le Pep
no night or day
no rules in wonder world
no restrictions or limitations
no dream impossible
the life of night is not all forlorn

i watch them shuffling
towards the stairs falling
fast and dark below

smile at some spinning hero 
who i think i loved  
once before
or maybe not

throw back another drink
close off my mind
and dance

here in a club in Paris
i dance

Stephen House has won many awards and nominations as a poet, playwright, and actor. He’s had 20 plays produced with many published by Australian Plays Transform. He’s received several international literature residencies from The Australia Council for the Arts, and an Asialink India literature residency. He’s had two chapbooks published by ICOE Press Australia: ‘real and unreal’ poetry and ‘The Ajoona Guest House’ monologue. His next book drops soon. He performs his acclaimed monologues widely. Stephen’s play, ‘Johnny Chico’ ran in Spain for 4 years.

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