Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Should I Watch? by Brannon O'Brennan

Noon vodka disguised with ice, the camouflage of alcoholic civilization. 
We just funeraled his mother, he deserves some slack. 
He’s explained for me going back to Reagan. 
I was his peer before I retired. 
Do I say something if I see something? What if I write it down? 

Much later, when mourning has no practical application, entire plans are forgotten. 
Made and then
distilled in 
4 PM 
The chorus laughs so then I can laugh. His wife is in the chorus so then I can laugh. 
All can be forgotten, even if never remembered. 

Don’t Make Plans After 8 PM becomes Don’t Make Plans After 4 PM. 
Don’t say it, but don’t forget it. 
Not him. Me. 
I’m not just watching. 

I am a writer from Washington, DC. Two of my pieces have been published in the literary journal Within and Without Magazine, and three more will be published shortly in the White Cresset Arts Journal and Periwinkle Pelican Lit.  I previously published through George Washington University: WHY AN INTELLIGENT MAN MADE UNINTELLIGENT DECISIONS: THE COGNITIVE FACTORS BEHIND ROBERT MCNAMARA'S DECISION TO ADVISE IN FAVOR OF ESCALATION OF THE VIETNAM WAR, JANUARY - JULY, 1965.  I am currently seeking literary representation for my upmarket crime fiction novel THROUGHLINE, a novel about a dysfunctional family of outlaws and the effects of trauma across generations.

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