Monday, July 17, 2023

This Language May Be Offensive to Your Reader by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal

My computer program seems to know best when I write a poem and choose words such as bullshit. It brings my vocabulary into question. It tells me that this language I am using may be offensive to my reader. I find that offensive if I take this suggestion literal. Do I have just one reader? Should I have said manure, cow dung, or lies instead of bullshit. As for any edits, the computer program wrote, No suggestions available. Fuck it, I am going to keep bullshit in the poem. In fact this poem is much better than the bullshit poem or funnier at least. Don’t get me started with Siri, who is such a prude.

Born in Mexico, Luis lives in California and works in the mental health field in Los Ángeles. His poems have appeared in Ariel Chart, Fearless, Mad Swirl, The Rye Whiskey Review, and Unlikely Stories.

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