Sunday, August 13, 2023

My dead best friend by Mike Zone

Amongst the devastation
we sat on the floor
passing the bottle back and forth like dead poets pretending to live beat
reading Rumi, Sexton, Dickensen, Ginsberg and Hughes
the furniture stolen
everything of value gone
except the books
the books no one cared about
speaking volumes
the shy boy from the bookstore looked at me longingly with a look of concern
eager for a sense of hope
after my rant on death-culture
Mike Zone
are these the books
we're going to use
to rebuild society
I took a swig and sighed
damned if I knew
then there was a beautiful moment tragic communal silence
of course my fat oaf of a best friend ruined it all
pretending to be intelligent
who had prevented me from hanging myself two days before
asked in his eastern european accent...
Michael, what is the most psychological text, you've ever read?
he's dead
that's it
so many memories
and this is the one that sticks out
maybe it's because we were all so fucking high and nearly pissed ourselves laughing

Mike Zone is the Editor in Chief of Dumpster Fire Press, the author of Fuck You: A Fucking Poetry Chap, Shedding Dark Places (almost), One Hell of a Muse , as well as coauthor of The Grind. A frequent contributor to Alien Buddha Press and Mad Swirl. His work has been featured in: Horror Sleaze Trash, Better Than Starbucks, Piker Press, Punk Noir Magazine, Synchronized Chaos, Outlaw Poetry and Cult Culture magazine.

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