Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Frisco Street Poet by Curtis Blazemore

for Zach Houston

sings like tequila for dollar a poem
slinging words like idiot street-corner savior
that he is
just sings it
for chrissakes works out a genius eight-liner on his
sunlit typewriter right
before my sunday morning eyes
crowds edging around his vaguely turdly smell but
I keep forking over bills
witness to poetic will I covet more
purely than any woman I’ve ever seen
knocking out little diamonds any topic
or theme
answers questioned
surprises reversed
structures built and designed in
rhythm with meter & slanted rhyme…

dude can make a bowl of meaning anywhere
& that’s it that’s the bravery
parking yourself on a corner imagining
poems for any random dick or jenny &
doing it man
I mean really doing it then just
shooing poems & people away like dirty orphans

Curtis Blazemore has been on the planet far too long, publishing various works in between having bad luck and making people rethink their faith in humanity. No matter. He sees sentences in the exhaled smoke and scribbles furiously. He hopes someday to be able to afford a Greyhound bus ticket to Graceland.

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