Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Bloody Mary Moon By Sharon Waller Knutson

is lighting up our yard

and my memories.

I can see my grandmother

in her curlers and housecoat

pouring V-8 Juice, Vodka,

and Worcestershire Sauce

into a mason jar and stirring

in salt and pepper before drinking

it down as I eat my Cheerios

with milk and drink my orange

juice in my pajamas. When I ask

what she is drinking and if I can

have some, she says, Bloody Mary.

Only for adults. One time I take

a sip when she turns her back

and it tastes so nasty 

I decide to be a child forever.

Sharon Waller Knutson has published eleven poetry books including The Leading Ladiees in My Life ( Cyberwit 2023) and her twelfth book, My Grandfather is a Cowboy is forthcoming in 2024. Her work has also appeared in more than 50 journals including One Art, Poetry Breakfast and Autumn Sky Poetry Daily.

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