Sunday, February 2, 2025

Marianne Faithfull By Kevin M. Hibshman

You finally made it home where sainted martyrs roam,
humming the songs of their resplendent youth.
The IT girl on a motorcycle gone bad as we like them to.
You were the news in a brand new way.
Girlfriend, groupie, protege.
Actress, addict, ever glamorous, my modern day doyenne.
I want to ride tonight with Marianne in black leather.
Circling the city like two pet vultures.
Vampires who must heed the coming of day
How can I be sad when you lived so many lives and cheated 
many deaths?
Your black eyes shining with a melancholy all your own.
We'll speed past the wall where you sat, high and ignored by 
We shall revisit a swinging London alive in sound.
Mother, maven without a throne.
Your face not easily forgotten.
Sister morphine, wish I could reach her on my phone.

Kevin M. Hibshman has had poems published in many journals and magazines world wide.In addition, he has edited his poetry zine, Fearless, since 1990 and is the author of sixteen chapbooks including Love Sex Death Dreams (Green Bean Press, 2000) and Incessant Shining (Alternating Current, 2011).
Cease To Destroy from Whiskey City Press.
His current book is Lost Within The Garden Of Heathens also from Whiskey City Press and currently available through Amazon.

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Blue static crackles as if this old roadhouse was a prop in a David Lynch film A sour man in his fifties stoic as a housewife in an unhappy ...